Bring more diverse services into your company's EAP

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基督教家庭服務中心於10月25日(五)在尖沙咀金域假日酒店舉行的「傑出團體及企業伙伴嘉許禮2024」。嘉許禮當日向58間機構頒贈企業伙伴獎 -關懷員工·關愛社會 ,表彰他們與 CFSC 攜手改善員工福祉,在關懷員工及推動社區服務方面有貢獻的企業 / 團體, 並表揚他們在照顧員工身心健康、回饋社會等責任上可持續實踐。 ...

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The workshops provided participants with a deeper understanding of effective techniques for training new colleagues and managing conflicts. They were equipped with different styles of handling various situations. The facilitators designed numerous interactive activities, making the content engaging and enriching. Participants greatly appreciated the opportunity to apply what they learned in a relaxed atmosphere and bring it back to their workspaces.

Vital's consultants are highly professional, and the company's employees have greatly benefited from the wellness workshops they have organized. The advice provided by Vital has been extremely useful and relevant, effectively helping to foster a culture of care within the company. We will definitely continue to utilize Vital's services, and we wholeheartedly recommend them to employers as a partner for their needs.

This is the first time we have collaborated with Vital to provide EAP, employee training courses, and focused group sessions. Vital's team of consultants is experienced and able to offer professional and effective advice for various employee issues. Colleagues have expressed satisfaction and appreciation for their services. We are delighted to continue organizing training activities with Vital in the coming year.

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